JANUARY 2006: “Life Between Two Seas!” [continued]

And then the fun began! Los muchachos left and we leapt into action, well, we "leapt" at a speed with which we'd become accustomed, which in my case was: Limp-a-long. At any rate, trips were made between Lamelot and Casa Ingaso on a fairly constant basis for the rest of that day and part of the next. We didn't think there was that much to move, but then you never do, until you do, if you know what I mean...

A garage already stuffed to the gills with boxes was forced to gulp down a few more. After the first trips, consisting of our beds, TC and Jessica stayed at Casa Ingaso to organize and search for the things we'd need to survive our first nights in our new home. Meanwhile, I continued on my own, emptying and cleaning Lamelot. The dogs were in heaven, they'd never made some many trips across the valley, jumping out to sniff everything at Lamelot, then jumping back in, when I fired the car up, only to repeat at Ingaso and then Lamelot and...ad nauseam. They were some happy pups. And we were, too, when quitting time came and we could stay at Ingaso!

Unfortunately, our first night sleeping in Ingaso was also the night some celebration was taking place in Picacho, and the party went on all...night...long. We could hear every song like it was a neighbor's radio on the lawn, but Picacho is clear across the valley from Ingaso, so that music was at more than concert volume...all night long. Our gardner and his mother just happened to live right next door to the house where the celebration was taking place (I think it was confirmations), and they didn't get a wink of sleep. As it turns out, this is sorta a Panamanian custom for certain events: the men get plastered, turn the music up till the speakers begin to rip, then go at it all night, just because they still can. Swell. But, that's been the only night so far for those kinds of hijinks. Knock on wood...

At any rate, we spent our first night in Casa Ingaso, officially out of Lamelot, and not a moment too soon—three people, four illegal animals, and the duplex was getting a little claustrophobic. Anyway, when we got up the next morning, we were welcomed by a rainbow across the valley, an amazing juxtaposition to our night.

And the beginning of a beautiful relationship!

Well, buckaroos, it's been fun, it's been weird, it's been a reaaaaaly long time since I ate a Good Times Donuts cake donut with pink icing. Damn, take it from a donut gourmand, they were the best, and the shop was right around the corner from TC's mother's house in Ventura...Que Dommage!

I'll sign off with a little ditty that really means a lot to me:

"Row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream."

[click here for February's Photo Gallery—there is no home page...]